Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Beginnings

So I've partially moved. Do you have any idea how you manage to obtain so many items? There are little bits here and little bits there, all needing a box or a place to stay. Every item of your life has to be examined and a decision made. Do I need this with me? Do I want it bad enough to find somewhere to store it? So many decisions, makes my head hurt.

Classes begin again on Tuesday. I have all my books, thank you mom, and am as ready as I can be I think. Need to get a few notebooks but that's about it. I'm taking 5 classes this time. Actually 4 of them start next week and the other begins in March but it's still an increase from last semester. I'm really excited. Wish I had been this excited 15 years ago.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Finished: Round One


I have officially submitted my last assignment in my first semester of college. Yea! I'm wearing my happy face. I have decided to treat myself to a very strange phenomenon - I will not be working during the Christmas holiday. Yes, you heard that correctly, NO WORK AT ALL. Not for 13 days.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Regret and Acceptance

Family circumstances being what they are, I had to give my Great Pyrenees to a rescue group. I have taken in many animals over the years, took care of them, and then found them new homes. Granted there is always a bit of sadness at their leaving, but I at least know that I have chosen a good home and am generally working on my own time table.
This time the time table is not of my choosing and this was not a dog that I had rescued. Harley was a birthday present to me from a good friend who knew I had always wanted one. She has traveled with me to multiple homes. She was my protector. I knew as long as she was outside, no one would come near my door without me knowing. She is not mean or vicious but would you take that chance with an animal you don't know? She listened to me talk and on more than one occasion sat with me while I cried.
All I want to say is that I miss her. I'm proud of the decision I made for her. Of my options, I know I made the right one.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Take two

Ok so I have now registered for my 2nd semester of classes. Hold your applause please.

Deciding which classes to take is not the part that makes me nervous. Deciding which teacher to sign up for is another matter. As I sat looking at the available classes and teacher names, all of which I have almost a zero chance of meeting face to face, I found myself looking up their pictures in the faculty directory. I figure maybe if you look like a nice person you might be nice when grading papers. This of course has no scientific basis but I figure it can't hurt to try.

All of my teachers so far have been fabulous but Tim has had some doosies that I figure must have forgotten to take their medication for like years or something. Seriously, you can't tell me that you think 1984 is really a good book and that there has not been something else written any time in human history that might be a better subject to write about.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Can I be smart today?

Why is it that we have to ability to watch another persons life and want to scream at them at the top of our lungs, "Don't do it dude! This will end with a face plant and tears!" but when it comes to our own lives, that stop function gets stalled.

We all judge everyone else on their actions or reactions. Or lack there of. We all think to ourselves, Man if that was me .........

How many times do I do that per day I wonder? Even when I answer the phone and talk to people. I get the story and part of the background but most of the time I've already made determinations based on voice tone and whether or not I think they sound sincere. I kind of have to where I work.

I guess I just want to make a decision and think to myself that anyone else in my shoes would have done the same thing. That my decision was a good one. That someone will see the wisdom in my choice and think to themselves that I'm smart and insightful.

Ever have a day when you just want someone to think you are right?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A First For Me

So you want me to write a blog do ya? Oh well, you done gone and asked for it now.

I titled this blog the way I have because that is definitely a way I am defined. I am defined that way by people who don't know me, passers by in daily life. Store clerks and bank tellers. It's something you can see in their eyes. A judgement on my mind and abilities. You can just tell. I have been judged this way by family and close friends. A mixture of the blonde one, the short one, the small one.

I have even been known to judge myself this way from time to time.

But that's ok. I don't mind. Sometimes it's even fun since most of the time people who don't know me don't see me coming and are therefor even more impressed with my awesomeness!

I fully intend to make this blog page a reading experience of which you have never before been accustomed. You are further warned that this page is about the thoughts and opinions of a blonde. Names and dates may be changed to protect the innocent. Or not depending on my mood.

Well as today just keeps getting busier I think I shall close this with a picture of my favorite friend.

 Isn't he handsome!!